Publications on Privatization

Harris, L. (2009). Gender and Emergent Water Governance: Comparative Overview of Neoliberalized Natures and Gender Dimensions of Privatization, Devolution and Marketization. Gender, Place and Culture 16 (4): 387-408.

Bakker, K. (2008) The ambiguity of community: Debating alternatives to water supply Privatization. Water Alternatives 1(2), 236 – 252.

Bakker, K., Kooy, M., Shofiani, E., and Martijn, E.J. (2008) Governance failure: Rethinking the institutional dimensions of urban water supply to poor households. World Development 36(10), 1891-1915.

Bakker, K. (2007a). ‘The commons versus the commodity: ‘Alter’-globalization, privatization, and the human right to water in the global South.’ Antipode 39(3), 430 – 455.

Bakker, K. (2007b). Trickle down? Private sector participation and the pro-poor water supply debate in Jakarta, Indonesia. Geoforum. 38(5), 855 – 868.

Bakker, K. (2005). Neoliberalizing nature? Market environmentalism in water supply in England and Wales. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 95(3), 542 – 565.

Bakker, K. with Page, B. (2005). Water governance and water users in a privatized water industry: Participation in policy-making and in water services provision – a case study of England and Wales. International Journal of Water 3(1), 38 – 60

Bakker, K. with Lise, W. (2005). Economic Regulation of the Water Supply Industry in the UK: A Game Theoretic Consideration of the Implications for Managing Drought Risk. International Journal of Water 3(1), 18 – 37 (second author; contribution: 30%)

Bakker, K. (2003). From archipelago to network: Urbanization and water privatization in the South. The Geographical Journal 169(4), 328 – 341.

Bakker, K. (2003). Beyond the privatization debate. Alternatives 29(2), 17– 21.

Bakker, K. (2003). From public to private to…mutual? Restructuring water supply governance in England and Wales. Geoforum. 34(3), 359 – 374. (Republished as Bakker, K. (2003) Du public au privé au … mutuel? La restructuration de la gouvernance du secteur de l’approvisionnement en eau en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles Flux 52/53, 87 – 99.)

Bakker, K. (2003). A political ecology of water privatization. Studies in Political Economy. Issue 70. May.

Bakker, K. (2002). From state to market: Water mercantilización in Spain. Environment and Planning A 34: 767 – 790.

Bakker, K. (2001). Paying for Water: Water charging and equity in England and Wales. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers June 26(2), 143 – 164.

Bakker, K. (2000). Privatising water, producing scarcity: The Yorkshire drought of 1995. Economic Geography 76 (1), 4 – 27.

Bakker, K. and D. Hemson (2000). Privatising water: Hydropolitics in the new South Africa. South African Journal of Geography 82 (1), 3 – 12.